Does anyone look cool in a turtleneck?
That's the question posed by writer Troy Patterson is his latest article for the New York Times: "Can The Turtleneck Ever Be Cool Again?" Audrey Hepburn, yes. Steve McQueen, yes. Drake, yes. But what about mere mortals?
Boston Globe columnist Alex Beam , who was wearing a self-described "crappy" turtleneck at the time of the conversation ("and chinos," he continued, "I'm totally normcore") responded with a resounding "yes."
Beam points out the various utilities the turtleneck provides—warmth, camouflage for those self-conscious about wrinkling or birth marks, and ease of wear.
(To be fair, Patterson—in the end—sort of reluctantly agrees with him, though he points out those who opt to wear them will have to put up with the cringes of bystanders.)
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the poll below.
. @imalexbeamyrnot wonders if the turtlenecks can ever be cool. What do you think?
To hear more from Alex Beam—including his instructions on how to dispose of a Christmas tree and his thoughts on the Mormon connections to the Oregon stand-off—tune in to Boston Public Radio above.