Service outages, extension delays, cost overruns, budget shortfalls, general mismanagement and the looming threat of another transit-annihilating winter have not soured Boston's intrepid millennials on the MBTA.
Eighty percent of the millennials polled said access to the T was "very important" factor in deciding where to live, and 78 percent said they want to work near it, according to a poll from the
Urban Land Institute Boston/New England
The poll of 660 Greater Boston millennials (identified here as 20 to 37-year-olds) found that for that 78 percent, T access surmounted other office perks, including a cafeteria, gym, and nearby restaurants and nightlife.
Meanwhile, sixty-six percent of the respondents rent their homes, but 45 percent plan on purchasing one within five to 10 years. Fifty-eight percent live with their significant others, while a quarter share their homes with roommates. Only 14 percent live alone. Respondents said they spent an average of 28 percent of their income on housing.
Seventy-three percent said paid family leave was the most important part of an employer's benefits package, followed by a flexible work arrangement. Eighty-four percent said they've used the ride-hailing service Uber.