Professors at Harvard Law School are urging the university to revoke new procedures addressing on-campus sexual misconduct, saying the rule goes too far. Kirk Carapezza reports at On Campus :
In July, Harvard announced a new university-wide policy to prevent sexual violence, lowering the burden of proof necessary to find someone guilty. It also created a central office to investigate sexual assaults.
Since then, the federal government has been pushing all universities receiving public funds to embrace similar policies, and this month California became the first state in the nation to adopt an affirmative consent standard for sexual assault on college campuses.
Now a group of distinguished Harvard law professors say the school's new policy denies due process to those accused of assault or harassment.
From the professors' statement:
“We strongly endorse the importance of protecting our students from sexual misconduct and providing an educational environment free from the sexual and other harassment that can diminish educational opportunity. But we believe that this particular sexual harassment policy adopted by Harvard will do more harm than good.”