Three years ago, sociologists Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa found that college students learn little while in school. Their book, "Academically Adrift," shocked the academy and provoked angry responses.

Now, the two provocateurs are back. Their sequel is called "Aspiring Adults Adrift." It follows the same students after graduation and concludes that schools focus on social life rather than academics, and that levies a high tariff on young adults. WGBH News' Kirk Carapezza recently sat down with Arum , and asked him why he wanted to track these young adults as they attempt to enter the working world.

CARAPEZZA: Isn't this period of life, of uncertainty and exploration, normal for young adults?

ARUM: It has become normal, given cultural shifts. We think that higher education is significantly implicated in legitimating this extended period of emerging adult, where students are drifting and searching.

CARAPEZZA: Do you think there's something wrong with young adults taking that time?

ARUM: Yes and no. Certainly no one would argue about the importance of meaningful exploration. However, there's quite a difference between meaningful exploration and not having a sense of purpose and focus in life after having four years in college.