The short work week was long on news, from Whitey Bulger's former FBI handler John Connolly having his sentence overturned , to our own Emily Rooney announcing she would step down from hosting Greater Boston. Here's what it looked like from the WGBH Newsroom.
• Famed writer/activist Maya Angelou passed away at the age of 86. Abbie Ruzicka rounded up some of her notable interviews and readings, Callie Crossley wrote a personal remembrance of her mother introducing her to Angelou's work, and Phillip Martin reconciled her legacy with her support of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearings in 1991. Greater Boston also hosted a pair of local writers who weighed in on Angelou's legacy.
• No city in the world debates its own world-classisness more than Boston. Greater Boston presented the case for and against Boston as world-class city.
• Sarah Birnbaum attended the first parole hearing of a prisoner sentenced to life after being convicted of murder as a juvenile—such a sentence now being illegal.
• Cristina Quinn heard competing arguments over whether non-compete agreements should be banned in Massachusetts.
• Former treasury secretary Tim Geithner stuck up for himself regarding his role in the bank bailouts, and Phillip Martin was there . Watch the full speech here , courtesy of Alison Bruzek and Catherine Whelan of The Forum Network.
• Marilyn Schairer profiled North Attleboro's 18-year-old selectman, or as we call him, the Anti-Millennial .
Have a good weekend—see you Monday.