Today on Boston Public Radio:

— NBC “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd discussed Florida’s bungled response to the coronavirus outbreak, and the death threats being made against Dr. Anthony Fauci.

— Holyoke Mayor Alex Morse called in to discuss the 15 COVID-19-related deaths at a state-run veteran’s home in his city.

— We opened our lines to talk with listeners about how you’re dealing with the grimness of the coronavirus pandemic.

— Former Suffolk County Sheriff and Secretary of Public Safety Andrea Cabral talked about the gun industry’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and debate in federal courts over whether to release detained migrants to protect them from the coronavirus.

— Dr. Gary Gottlieb, former CEO of Partners Healthcare and Partners in Health, discussed his recent Boston Globe piece on how healthcare systems need to adapt to handle the stress brought by COVID-19.

— We opened our lines to talk with listeners about the coronavirus.

— We aired live audio from Gov. Charlie Baker’s Thursday press conference.

— Boston Globe columnist Alex Beam discussed his latest book, “Broken Glass: Mies Van Der Rohe, Edith Farnsworth, and the Fight Over a Modernist Masterpiece.”