Activists who protested Saturday's self-described "straight pride" parade
allege police misconduct
, after dozens were arrested and police were seen
pepper spraying
Carol Rose, executive director of the ACLU of Massachusetts, told Boston Public Radio she was troubled with the apparent use of force by police.
"The BPD showed up in full riot gear," said Rose. "[Former Police Commissioner Bill Evans] always said he was so proud he didn't send out his people in hats and bats. The question I have is, it was such a big show of force, is that always the best method to keep the peace?"
Rose said the ACLU of Massachusetts is conducting interviews, reviewing footage of Saturday's events and requesting information from Boston Police to try to get more information.
Of the 36 people arrested, 34 were with groups protesting the parade, which was organized by "Super Happy Fun America," a coalition that claims straight people are an oppressed majority.
"We all know in a constitutional democracy even bigots and racists have a right to make fools of themselves, and the rest of us have a right to ignore them or counter-protest or ridicule them. And it's important that we do, because they're ridiculous, and we need to just say that at the outset," said Rose. "The notion that our culture discriminates against straight people is silly, and frankly disingenuous. They bring out these tactics, they want to try to provoke conflict and get in the news, those are historic tactics designed to bring on a repressive crackdown."
The 36 people arrested were scheduled for arraignments in court on Tuesday, and Rose said they all had representation.
Carol Rose is Executive Director of ACLU of Massachusetts. During her interview on Tuesday with Boston Public Radio, she also discussed an upcoming hearing on a bill to enable undocumented immigrants to obtain driver's licenses.