With a only a week left until the September 4 primary, Congressman Joe Kennedy will be out campaigning for Michael Capuano’s re-election against challenger Ayanna Pressley.

As a rising star in the Democratic party, Kennedy will hit the streets of Brighton alongside his fellow Congressman, urging voters to send the former Somerville mayor back to Congress.

“I've served with Mike, I’ve seen how effective he is up front,” Kennedy told WGBH after a meeting at the State House on STEM education Monday.

“Obviously the personal relationship has a lot to do with it,” he said. “I know Ayanna as well — she worked for my dad — I think the world of her.”

The Boston Globe Boston endorsed city councillor Pressley last week, boosting her attempt to unseat the 20-year incumbent for the Massachusetts 7th congressional district in what's become the region's race-to-watch.

“Without a doubt seniority matters in this business,” Kennedy said adding later, “I do think that there’s obviously an argument to say that younger, newer blood obviously has something to add to the conversation, ‘cause otherwise I shouldn’t be here.”

Not only is Kennedy a popular fresh face, he's also a throwback: Joe Kennedy III father held the seat before Capuano and it's the same district once held by JFK — as Pressley noted on the campaign trail.

When asked about his potential “star-power” on the campaign trail Kennedy said he did not think that was a factor. “No. Give me a break. C’mon,” he said, laughing.