The ABC hit show "The Good Doctor" follows a young surgeon with autism, Dr. Shaun Murphy (played by Freddie Highmore). Dr. Murphy’s disability presents him with many challenges, but he is also gifted with extraordinary medical talent.
The circumstances of "The Good Doctor" are fictional, but the series illustrates that people with all kinds of disabilities are capable of valuable work. And in real life, employers are hiring: Over the last few years, unemployment among disabled workers has fallen faster than among the general population and shows no sign of slowing down.
Nicole Maestas
- Associate professor at
Harvard Medical School’s Department of Health Care Policy
and the director of the
National Bureau of Economic Research’s Retirement and Disability Research Center.
Toni Wolf – Commissioner of the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission.
Sonya Malloy – Pharmacy Technician at CVS living with Myasthenia Gravis