The White House is taking steps to prepare for a potential
Russian invasion of Ukraine,
When asked if there will be a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, Moulton said, "There may very well be, and my fear is that we haven't been very well prepared for that option. That was the conclusion I reached when I went there in December... We need to plan for the worst."
White House officials have said they believe invasion is imminent.
Moulton noted three things that need to be done to prepare, including speeding up weapons procurement, clarifying economic sanctions and how they will harm Russian President Vladimir Putin and communicating directly with Russian citizens about the cost of an invasion.
"This isn't just about playing politics with who's better about Russia. This is about responding to a national security crisis, and that's why I'm not afraid to criticize the White House if we need to be doing better," said Moulton.
Watch: Seth Moulton on the potential for a Russian invasion of Ukraine