As British politicians
struggle over the details
A vision of a united Europe was first born out of the ashes of the Second World War. One early supporter was former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who
was one of the first to
The European Union is now a vast political and economic union of
28 member countries
“An interesting aspect of the story is how the United States itself was not just present at the beginning, [but] was actually quite generative of the project,” he said.
It started in 1951 with the creation of the
European Coal and Steel Community
“The basic idea here was originally an American [one] ... which was you can’t kind of tell the Germans not to be an industrial power,” Blyth explained.
The belief was that the risk of Germany or any European country brutally dominating the region again after World War II could be diminished by making sure that the “weapons of warfare, particularly heavy metals, coal, steel — the stuff you need for tanks and causing trouble — was, in a sense, spread out amongst the Europeans themselves,” he said.
Europe’s “dependence on the U.S. was all part of the plan” of a generation of postwar American leaders,
according to author and journalist
It would take decades for the European Union we know today, with its single market, open borders,
expanded membership
Gillian Tett, U.S. managing editor of The Financial Times, worries that the vision of those who first imagined a united Europe has been forgotten in the long process of creating it.
“America has all the founding fathers, the Hamiltons, all of those,” she said, but “no one really knows quite who created a modern Europe.”
She has a point. Rarely does anyone talk about those early European leaders who
inspired and pioneered
As Tett reflects on what the EU has become, she sees a system plagued by bureaucracy in Brussels. “It’s one thing to say: Yes, we’d like to be the United States of Europe, or at least punch above our weight on the world stage,” she said. “To do that though, you need to have clear-cut decision making.”
Instead, Tett fears that a project which was created “with the hope of reducing hostilities between different nations” has actually “exacerbated tensions” in recent years, as demonstrated by the handling of Greece’s economic crisis.
“What’s ended up happening is that Germans and Greeks are more at odds with each other than they’ve ever been, in recent history, which is a tragedy,” she said.
In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, Blyth says Europe and America have experienced similar challenges. There has been a significant increase in economic inequality and a rise in nationalism, both of which have led to “a loss of faith in the mainstream [elite] political classes that have been governing Europe and have been the drivers of the European project,” he explained.
Europe itself has become a target, Blyth said, and “the football” in a “new nationalist competition.”
Nonetheless, neither Tett or Blyth have lost hope in the European project, even though they say they believe “the system has taken a good beating,” over the past 10 years and is in urgent need of reform.
On Tett’s wish list: A clear statement from European leaders about their vision moving forward, and a serious effort to bring the union’s economics and politics into closer alignment, along with much greater accountability and transparency for its citizens.
Blyth also wants politicians to address “the scandal of mass unemployment amongst young people, particularly in Southern Europe.”
These are all problems that can be solved, Blyth argues, and if they are, Europe “will still be here.”
Due to an editing error, a previous version of this article incorrectly implied that Winston Churchill was the British prime minister in 1946.
Elizabeth Ross is the senior producer of Innovation Hub. Follow her on Twitter: