Philippine authorities say they
have conveyed
In the videos, which an official with the Philippines Department of Foreign Affairs posted online, a man and woman hurry into the black SUV apparently waiting to whisk them away. The scene, in the words of one prominent Filipino blogger, shows staff of the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait leading "an abused Household Service Worker (HSW) to safety, after she reported that she was repeatedly kicked by her abusive employer."
"Legal action shall follow," added R.J. Nieto, better known by his blog's name,
Thinking Pinoy
Nieto was not alone in publicly posting the videos. Several media outlets,
including the Rappler news site
It also drew Kuwait's ire.
According to the BBC
And Kuwaiti officials on Wednesday declared Villa persona non grata and demanded his departure, while also detaining four individuals hired by the Philippine Embassy and issuing warrants for the arrest of several more.
Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano, for his part, apologized earlier this week before the Kuwaiti declaration, saying
he was sorry
"This was all done in the spirit of emergency action to protect Filipinos," he added.
But on Thursday, during
a news conference
Nevertheless, he said Villa would return to the Philippines, per Kuwaiti wishes.
Cayetano noted that 262,000 Filipinos live in Kuwait, more than 150,000 of whom work in household services.
The New York Times reports
Her employer eventually confessed to the murder, but ill feelings continue to simmer over the incident. And on Thursday, Cayetano reasserted the Philippines' right to look out for its citizens abroad.
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