The U.S. Supreme Court’s order on Tuesday that President Trump’s ban on transgender troops
be allowed to go into effect
shows the danger of his administration’s anti-LGBT policies. While we have experienced anti-LGBT policies and neglect from prior administrations and Congresses, the
breadth of the current assault is striking
Trump has rolled back rights and protections that took decades to win. His success on multiple fronts has meant that
poorly thought through ideas
The ban was announced in 2017 via a
Two years into the Trump Administration, LGBT people and people living with HIV are now much more vulnerable to discrimination in health care, social services, employment, education, and access to basic government services. Additionally, as the ban on transgender troops shows, their ability to participate fully in civic life is also being restricted. While the damage is centered in the United States, it reverberates globally where Trump Administration actions are increasing anti-LGBT and anti-HIV stigma around the world.
Earlier this month, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attended the inauguration of Brazil’s new president Jair Bolsonaro, who campaigned on a racist, misogynistic, and homophobic platform. (In 2014, in one of those jokes that aren’t jokes, Bolsonaro
said that a fellow legislator
But continuing attempts by the Trump Administration to legalize discrimination under the guise of religious liberty hold the most potential for harm. In January 2018, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
added a Division of Conscience and Religious Freedom
In a deeply cynical twist on the religious freedom already guaranteed by the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which protects individuals’ free exercise of religion and harms no one, the new office is seeking to implement a rule that would grant freedom “not to act contrary to one’s beliefs.” The result of such a rule would be to permit federal employees and others who work at institutions that receive federal funding, such as universities, hospitals, and health care centers, to deny service or treatment to LGBT people by claiming that to do so would violate sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions. The rule would open the door for health care providers to deny not just general health care services to LGBT people, but also specific services such as STI screening to gay men, fertility treatments to lesbian couples, or gender affirmation treatment to transgender people.
Just halfway through his term, Trump has appointed a slew of religious zealots with strident anti-LGBT views to key positions at the Department of Health and Human Services, the federal courts, and elsewhere. For the first time ever, a true believer from the religious right sits as Vice President, next in line as leader of the free world. These right-wing activists are systematically dismantling pro-equality advances in domestic and foreign policy that have changed lives for the better and harmed no one.
In 2016, as a candidate,
Trump pledged
Sean Cahill PhD is director of health policy research for The Fenway Institute and co-author of the policy brief “Trump Administration continued to advance discriminatory policies and practices against LGBT people and people living with HIV in 2018.”