If you are suffering from Trump fatigue, then our roundup of the most popular opinion pieces of 2018 is just for you. You can’t quite escape his presence, which is implicit in most of what follows. But our commentators largely dodge the president in favor of surveying the landscape he created.
Media Misses The Real Story In Warren’s DNA Results
Susan Ryan Vollmar
The idea that a DNA test could ever answer insincere questions about racial ancestry is as plausible as the notion that an FBI investigation would answer insincere questions about a former Secretary of State's email practices.
For Brett Kavanaugh, A Lifetime Thriving In A Culture That Embraces Sexual Harassment
As he so often does, media critic
Dan Kennedy
There is a coherent story to be told about Brett Kavanaugh, and it is ugly — the story of a child of privilege whose rise has been constructed, in part, on the degradation of women.
Dear Utah: What To Expect When You’re Expecting Mitt Romney
Political columnist
David S. Bernstein
Besides, if it doesn't work out, he'll probably just move on to another place and forget all about you. At least, that was our experience with Mitt Romney.
Smith College Incident Is What Everyday Racism Looks Like
“Another white person calling the police on a black person just living their lives,” writes
Callie Crossley
But the most virulent racism is not physical, it is insidious and systemic, bred-in-the-national-fabric racism, which prevents black Americans from being first class citizens. This kind of racism does not look like what most people envision.
Kavanaugh: A Legal Assessment — With Some Personal Reflections
Legal commentator
Harvey Silverglate
My view is that a decent society does not hold something against an adult for something the adult did, or allegedly did, when an adolescent. We should all understand that adolescence is a time of life when kids do some very foolish things, some of which border on, or even pass firmly into, the category of illegality and, indeed, of criminality.