A US Department of Education official has
Even though Jackson has since called her statement “flippant” and acknowledged that “all sexual harassment and sexual assault must be taken seriously,” the offensiveness of her remarks prompted the Washington Post to
call for her resignation
The Post is right. It’s bad enough that myths about sexual assault on campus persist. Namely, that instances of sexual assault in which alcohol played a role do not constitute assault, they are instead consensual sexual activities between friends or acquaintances that are later characterized as assault in regret-filled morning-afters. But students who are survivors of sexual assault on campus, and those who have been accused of assault deserve to be taken seriously by the institutions in place to educate and serve them: schools and the Department of Education.
Most victims of rape on campus (70%) are assaulted by a friend or acquaintance, according to a
2015 survey of more than 150,000 students
Clearly, campus sexual assault is a serious problem that needs the attention of university leaders who will put systems and programs in place that increase the safety of all students. It also requires government enforcement of Title IX, a 1972 law mandating equal access to educational opportunities regardless of sex.
In April, the AAU released an
extensive report
Despite this progress, it makes sense to further assess the impact of Title IX enforcement for improvement, as DeVos says she is doing. Despite the criticism DeVos received for meeting with students who say that they have been falsely accused of rape, there is nothing wrong with her decision to do so in order to better understand what is happening on campuses. But, there is something deeply wrong when those in position to enforce Title IX align themselves with the tired, outdated, misogyny-drenched narrative that victims lie about sexual assault. DeVos and Jackson can claim otherwise, but Jackson’s self-described “flippant” remark unintentionally revealed that that is precisely the narrative the new leadership at the Department of Education may be embracing.
When properly implemented, the 2011 Title IX Guidance appropriately safeguards the rights of both survivor students and accused students. Everyone loses when the government refuses to hold offenders accountable and when schools fail to create safe and equitable learning environments for all students.
Gina Scaramella is the executive director of the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center.