We're going to be hearing a lot about the Boston Globe's decision to
publish the names
The story
This past January, David Boeri of WBUR Radio (90.9 FM)
reported on the FBI-State Police interrogation
In today's Globe article, we learn that the FBI agent's name is Aaron McFarlane, and that he "has previously been publicly identified in a blog about the Boston Marathon case."
That prompted Boston magazine editor-in-chief Carly Carioli to tweet:
(And by the way, in March Boston published
its own long investigation
Carioli's tweet leads to a site called "The Boston Marathon Bombings: What Happened?", which on May 3
revealed the names
On May 5, the same "What Happened?" website
revealed some of the problems
I should note that though the "What Happened?" site appears to have broken some important stories, it also traffics in rather, uh, unusual rhetoric. For instance,
here is a photo of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
By all indications the Globe has been careful to do its own reporting — which it would in any case, but which is especially important when dealing with material like this.
Which brings us to the question I imagine we'll be debating in the days to come: Should the Globe have released the names of McFarlane, Gagne and Cinelli? I'd like to hear arguments on both sides. But keep these three things in mind:
I realize I'm putting my thumb on the disclosure side of the scale. But I think withholding the names would have been a respectable decision as well. As Sacchetti writes today, "Even Florida, which often identifies such officers, declined to do so in this case, citing concerns for the investigators’ safety."
At this early stage, I can be persuaded either way, and I'm curious to see and hear what others have to say.