Best-selling author and noted historian Anthony M. Sammarco has penned more than 70 books on the history and development of Boston, and lectures widely on the past of his native city. Sammarco recently joined Joe Mathieu on GBH's Morning Edition from his home on Cape Cod to talk about his book, Thanksgiving Traditions in Boston.
From his book:
By the mid-twentieth century, Bostonians, now living in a thriving nexus ofethnic, religious and racial composition and far more diverse than the early Pilgrimscould ever have expected, began to refashion Thanksgiving to include ethnic foods andtraditions which their ancestors brought to the New World. Each group broadened themeaning of Thanksgiving and food became a way to preserve one's background whileassimilating into the "Pilgrim culture."
Watch Sammarco's recent interview — including photos and paintings from his book — on GBH's Morning Edition, below.