This article has been updated.
For workers in the arts, including many who are independent contractors, sudden closures due to the coronavirus pandemic have resulted in immediate financial uncertainty. In response, arts and culture institutions across New England have established emergency relief funds to provide workers in the arts sector with financial support and resources.
WGBH News has compiled a list of links both for people who need financial assistance and for those wishing to donate to artists in need.
Boston Artist Relief Fund
The City of Boston has established the Boston Artist Relief Fund. The fund will award grants of $500 and $1000 to Boston-area artists whose income has been impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic.
Boston Music Maker Relief Fund
The Record Co. has established the Boston Music Maker Relief Fund to provide small grants of up to $200 to Boston-area music makers whose have experienced income loss from performance cancellations due to the Coronavirus.
Boston Singers’ Relief Fund
The Boston Singer's Relief Fund is offering grants of up to $500 for New England-based singers whose classical performances were cancelled due to Coronavirus. The deadline to apply for these grants is April 1.
Cambridge Artist Relief Fund
The Cambridge Community Foundation has partnered with the City of Cambridge to create The Cambridge Artist Relief Fund. It will provide grants of up to $1,000 for both artists and arts and cultural organizations in the Cambridge area facing financial crisis.
Take Action! Emergency Fund
Puppet Showplace Theater has established the Take Action! Emergency Fund to assist puppeteers and other artists and educators whose creative operations have been impacted by Coronavirus closings and cancellations.
Theatre Community Benevolent Fund
Theater artists and non-profit theaters can both apply for aid through the Theatre Community Benevolent Fund, which provides confidential financial relief to those in the Greater Boston area who have been affected financially by Coronavirus cancellations.
The Passim Emergency Artist Relief Fund
The historic Club Passim has announced Keep Your Distance Fest!, A virtual music festival that will feature artists performing from their homes to raise money for The Passim Emergency Artist Relief Fund, or PEAR. The fund provides financial assistance of up to $500 for musicians and artists who have worked with Club Passim in the last 10 years.
The New England Foundation for the Arts
NEFA is providing a list of resources specifically tailored to those working in the arts and culture sector. Their website also offers information about NEFA grants that could be affected by the coronavirus.
For craft artists affected by the closing of schools and arts festivals due to the coronavirus, CERF+ has set up the “CERF+ COVID-19 Response Fund” to provide informational resources and other assistance to craft artists and teachers nationwide.
If you know of any other artist relief funds and resources, please contact