The practice of mindfulness can reduce stress, increase self-awareness and improve general wellbeing. It's finally getting significant recognition in medical and academic spaces.

Guests on Greater Boston said many people may think mindfulness has minimal impact on health, but it can actually be transformative.

Harvard University plans open a $25 million center which will house research and initiatives about the impact of mindfulness.

Dr. Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said two areas of emphasis at the new center will be nutrition and environmental health.

He said being mindful about what we eat, who produced it, how it was produced and the environmental impact of food is an important area of study.

Nieisha Deed, founder and CEO of PureSpark, said she struggled with depression, which altered her memory and cognitive ability. Mindfulness helped her to think more clearly and have better memory.

"When I take care of myself, I can better take care of my community whether it be my community at home or my community at work," Deed said.

Deed said mindfulness can relate to mental health through yoga, spending time outside or taking a break from technology and more.

Watch: Mindfulness can reduce stress and improve wellbeing. Modern medicine is finally buying in