Under Review
: The Boston Globe places columnist Kevin Cullen on leave after WEEI’s Kirk and Callahan raised questions about the accuracy of his pieces reflecting on the Boston Marathon bombings.
For more on the Globe’s actions regarding Cullen, click
Hannity Hoopla
: Sean Hannity failed to disclose his ties to President Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen. Hannity and Fox News brushed it off as no big deal, but others in the media do not agree.
Sandy Hook Suit
: Alex Jones is being sued (again), this time by the parents of Sandy Hook shooting victims for defamation after he peddled a conspiracy theory claiming 2012 attack was a hoax. It’s a case that challenges the limits of the first amendment, which Jones is claiming as his defense.
Rants and Raves
: A review of the week in media.
On this week’s edition of Beat the Press, Emily Rooney was joined by former CNN White House Dan Lothian; Josh Benton of the Nieman Journalism Lab; Dan Kennedy of Northeastern University; and Callie Crossley of WGBH News.