A big part of Washington D.C.'s plan to get its HIV rate down is to get more uninfected people on PrEP, a two-medicine combination pill that's also sold under the brand name Truvada.
When taken daily by people who are at high risk for contracting HIV via sex or shared needles with someone who is infected, this pre-exposure prophylaxis can cut the risk of HIV infection by 92 percent, studies show.
PrEP has been around for years now, but only a small portion of those at high risk for HIV infection use it, partly because many still don't know it exists.
To cut new infections in half by 2020, D.C. health officials estimate it will need to more than quadruple the number of people in the District who are on PrEP. The department of health and community groups are pulling out all the stops to raise awareness.
"Thinking about sex? Then think about PrEP," one public health commercial says, over video clips of a woman sensually licking an ice cream cone, or a man stroking a golf club. You get the gist.
There are also social media pushes, and an ad campaign called "PrEP for Her" targeting African American women, who, along with gay and bisexual African American men, are at high risk of infection in D.C.
At a recent conference in the city on LGBTQ issues, Sarah Fleming stopped by the PrEP information table put together by
Luis Felipe Cebas
Fleming tells Cebas she's surprised she's never heard of PrEP. She even got tested for HIV recently.
"They told me nothing about this!" she says. "I was negative — but, I feel like, it's a preventative, so you should tell people about it."
Gregorio Millett,
Millett adds that there are other reasons why people — especially people of color — haven't requested PrEP as much as he and other public health officials would like. Some African Americans distrust the medical community because of historical mistreatment, he says. And there's still a stigma attached to HIV, especially in some minority communities.
"In order to be prescribed PrEP you need to be 'out' to your provider," Millett says. "And we see that for African-American men, as well as for Latino gay men, they're less likely to tell their providers that they are gay or bisexual."
Several cities across the U.S. — including Seattle, Boston and San Francisco, as well as Washington — are making concerted efforts to overcome these challenges and promote PrEP as a tool for reducing HIV transmission, Millett says.
There are signs of progress in D.C. Whitman-Walker Health has seen a recent uptick in new PrEP patients, including 28-year-old Ricardo Cooper, who lives in the District.
Cooper is gay and HIV-negative. He's been taking PrEP for a few months, and says he hasn't experienced many side effects, which can commonly include headaches, nausea and cramping; according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, these side effects tend to
go away over time
Cooper says taking the drug gives him peace of mind.
"It just makes me feel so much better about engaging in sexual activity," he says, knowing that he won't get or transmit HIV to a partner.
He's also found he now talks more openly about HIV, which still has a lot of stigma among his friends. He says he even walks up to people at bars and sells them on PrEP.
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