• A video of a baby black bear in Montana struggling to wake up after a long hibernation has gone viral. This led us to ask you, what strategies do you have to help you out of bed in the morning? Are you someone who snoozes, or who jumps out of bed?
  • Julia Vogl  joined us to talk about her public art installation for the Jewish Arts Collaborative , titled "Pathways to Freedom." 
  • WGBH's Emily Rooney gave us her famous list of rants and raves.
  • Boston Globe business columnist Shirley Leung discussed the power struggle between Harriett Chandler and Karen Spilka to be the next Senate President .
  • Amy Traverso from Yankee Magazine and WGBH’s Weekends with Yankee joined us to preview season two of their weekend getaway TV show.
  • NECN's Sue O’Connell talked about a new album that subverts the traditional gender pronouns.
  • Will Smalley and Nick Chambers from Old School Game Show joined us for the  news quiz