NASA is building a new X plane with the goal of deadening the loud thunderclap that jets make when they travel faster than sound.
Those noisy sonic booms are one of the reasons supersonic planes aren't used commercially today.
The Low-Boom Flight Demonstration
The reason supersonic aircraft generate sonic booms is complicated, but there's a simple way to think about it: "A sonic boom happens because the air doesn't know the airplane is coming," says Peter Coen, manager for the
Commercial Supersonic Technology Project
When a plane travels toward you at speeds below the speed of sound, you can hear it coming because the sound wave is moving faster than the plane. But when the plane breaks the sound barrier, it slams into the air without any warning. This creates multiple shockwaves.
Those shockwaves converge as they travel to the ground, causing what sounds like a bang. But by making small adjustments in the shape of the nose or canopy or wings, you can smear out that shockwave, "so instead of a bang, you just hear a thump," he says.
The main feature of this new, supersonic test plane will be a long pointy nose. "Supersonic aircraft tend to be long and slender," says Coen. "Low boom supersonic aircraft is that to an extreme."
Designers are also thinking about the environment the new plane will fly in. Aeronautical engineer
Douglas Hunsaker
Hunsaker says his colleagues at Texas A & M University are
testing metal alloys
The new X plane is the first experimental jet built by NASA in more than a decade.
"The thing that I'm most excited about is that NASA is moving back to this X plane concept," says Bobby Braun, dean of engineering at the University of Colorado in Boulder. He says experimental planes have been crucial to advancing aviation.
There's been no commercial supersonic travel since the European-built
Concorde passenger aircraft
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