After a controversial decision by the Department of Commerce to add a question about U.S. citizenship to the 2020 census, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended the move as nothing out of the ordinary.
The claim
"This is a question that's been included in every census since 1965," Sanders said Tuesday, "with the exception of 2010, when it was removed."
The short answer
This statement is inaccurate, incomplete and misleading. A quick history of the decennial survey makes that clear.
The long answer
The census has been conducted every decade
since 1790
The last time a census form sent to most American households asked a question about U.S. citizenship was in 1950.
That form
In 1960
Sanders mentioned the year 1965 on Tuesday, but the census only comes every 10 years, so it isn't clear what she was referring to, and the White House did not respond to a request for clarification.
In 1970, the Census Bureau began sending around two questionnaires: a short-form questionnaire to gather basic population information and a long form that asked detailed questions about everything from household income to plumbing. The short form went to most households in America. The long form was sent to a much smaller sample of households, 1 in 6. Most people didn't get it.
Starting in 1970, questions about citizenship were included in the long-form questionnaire but not the short form. For instance, in 2000, those who received
the long form
The short form
In 1996, the census added a new survey,
the American Community Survey
Sanders said that in 2010 the citizenship question was removed. In fact, there was no long form that year — it had been replaced by the annual American Community Survey.
The decennial census
The state of California
has already sued
In a
memo explaining his reasoning
"The Department of Commerce is not able to determine definitively how inclusion of a citizenship question on the decennial census will impact responsiveness. However, even if there is some impact on responses, the value of more complete and accurate data derived from surveying the entire population outweighs such concerns. Completing and returning decennial census questionnaires is required by Federal law, those responses are protected by law, and inclusion of a citizenship question on the 2020 decennial census will provide more complete information for those who respond," Ross wrote.
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