The Affordable Care Act very nearly failed to become law back in 2010 because of a dispute among Democrats over how to handle abortion in the bill.
Now a similar argument between Democrats and Republicans is slowing progress on a bill that could help cut soaring premiums and help stabilize the ACA.
At issue is the extent to which the Hyde Amendment — language commonly used by Congress to prohibit most federal abortion funding — should be incorporated into any new legislation affecting the health law.
Republicans generally want more restrictions on abortion funding. Democrats generally want fewer.
Here's a bit of the history of how we got here.
What is the Hyde Amendment?
The Hyde Amendment, named for Rep.
Henry Hyde
But the Hyde Amendment is not permanent law. It has been included as a rider every year since 1977 to federal spending bills and its exact language
changes from time to time
Hyde-like language has been added to other annual spending bills over the years, so federal abortion funding is also now forbidden in private health insurance plans for federal employees, women in federal prisons, those in the Peace Corps and women in the military, among others.
Over the years, Democrats have worked, unsuccessfully, to
eliminate the Hyde Amendment
Republicans have tried, also unsuccessfully, to write the Hyde funding prohibitions
into permanent law
So, what happened with the ACA and abortion funding?
Republicans in both the House and Senate unanimously refused to support the Affordable Care Act when it passed Congress in 2010. In order to pass the bill over GOP objections, Democrats needed near unanimity among their ranks, abortion remaining the biggest hurdle.
The Democratic caucus at the time had a significant number of members who opposed abortion, particularly those representing more conservative districts and states. In order to facilitate movement, House and Senate leaders agreed that the health bill should be "abortion-neutral," meaning it would neither add to nor subtract from existing abortion restrictions. Even today there is disagreement about whether the law actually expands or contracts abortion rights.
At the time, Democratic sponsors of the bill were buffeted by appeals from women's groups who wanted to make sure the bill did not change existing coverage of abortion in private health insurance; and from abortion opponents, led by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, who called the bill a major expansion of abortion rights.
The bill passed the House in 2009 only after inclusion of an
amendment by Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.),
Eventually, the Senate bill dropped the government-sponsored plan, so no restrictions were necessary on the abortion issue. And it was the Senate plan that went forward to become law. Still, differences remained over how to ensure that subsidies provided by taxpayers did not go to private plans that covered abortions.
In the upper chamber, a compromise was ultimately reached by abortion-rights supporter Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and a Democratic senator who opposed abortion, Ben Nelson from Nebraska. Nelson was the final holdout on the bill, which needed all 60 Democrats in the Senate to overcome the unanimous GOP opposition. The Boxer-Nelson language was a softening of the Stupak amendment but still allowed states to prohibit plans in the ACA's insurance marketplaces from covering abortion.
In addition, President Barack Obama agreed to issue an
executive order
In the end, both sides came out unhappy. Abortion opponents wanted the Hyde Amendment guarantees in the actual legislation rather than the executive order. Abortion-rights backers say the effort constricted abortion coverage in private health plans.
And both sides are unhappy, still. According to the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive health research group,
26 states
Another 11 states have passed laws restricting abortion coverage in all private insurance sold in the state. Nine of those states allow separate abortion riders to be sold, but no carriers offer such coverage in those marketplaces,
according to a 2018 analysis
three states
And, what's at stake in the latest health bill?
The issue for 2018 is a bipartisan bill that seeks to
stabilize the individual insurance market
But once again, the abortion debate threatens to block compromise.
Many Republicans are dubious about efforts to shore up the health law. They still hope its failure could lead to a repeal they were unable to accomplish in 2017.
Even some who say they are sympathetic to a legislative remedy want to add the permanent Hyde Amendment language that was left out of the final ACA, although included in Obama's executive order.
That is "not negotiable for House Republicans," a
spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan
But Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), who has been negotiating the insurance bill for the Democrats, calls any additional abortion restrictions "a complete non-starter" for Democrats.