New Hampshire doesn't have a signature drink, unless you like your maple syrup served neat.
But in recent years, sales of one particular brand of cognac have surged at state-run liquor stores. So much Hennessy is being sold, in fact, that one New Hampshire official is asking the
state Attorney General Gordon MacDonald
New Hampshire, despite its pronounced libertarian streak, is one of 17 "control" states, meaning the government manages the distribution of spirits. The state's Liquor Commission, which is run by an appointed chairman, oversees 79 retail stores.
Andru Volinsky
After being tipped off by a whistleblower, Volinsky says he recently witnessed two people who arrived in a vehicle with New York license plates spend approximately $24,000 on Hennessy products. At the register, they allegedly divided the sale into three transactions and paid using "a very large wad of cash." He suspects people are buying up large quantities of New Hampshire's tax-free booze to sell elsewhere.
The IRS requires businesses to document when someone spends more than
$10,000 in cash on a single purchase
These practices "may be illegal and unquestionably facilitate money laundering,"
writes Volinsky in a letter
Liquor Commission denies allegations
The New Hampshire Liquor Commission is a cash cow, generating more than
$150 million in profits
According to
publicly available online inventories
It isn't clear why Hennessy appears to be the brand of choice for bootleggers, but the price difference between New Hampshire's bottles and the highly-taxed New York bottles is likely one draw. Also, government officials have offered anecdotal evidence that some of the booze is
headed for Chinese restaurants
"I started hearing anecdotes of people coming in with wads of cash stuffed in their socks," Volinsky tells New Hampshire Public Radio. "Wads of cash that smell of perfume because on Wednesdays, apparently the strip club owners in New York come over to buy their liquor in bulk, and the office of the liquor store smells from the perfume."
For its part, the Liquor Commission flatly denies Volinsky's allegations.
"There's nothing illegal or unscrupulous about making large sales to out-of-state customers as long as our employees follow the policies in place set forth by the state and federal government,"
writes the commission in a statement.
The Commission, along with top Republicans in the state,
including Governor Chris Sununu
Previous investigation
While a partisan tit-for-tat was perhaps inevitable, many of the concerns raised by Volinsky are not new to New Hampshire officials, or to law enforcement in neighboring states.
In fact, in 2012,
it was a top GOP lawmaker
That committee's final report included two anecdotes of out-of-state residents arrested in Massachusetts with large hauls of New Hampshire-purchased booze. One of those arrests included 1,676 bottles of Hennessy, bought at multiple locations. The driver was charged with possessing untaxed liquor and unlawfully transporting liquor.
More recently, liquor enforcement officials in Vermont have made
two arrests
"The product that was the most prominent in both of these cases was Hennessy cognac," says Patrick Delaney, Vermont's Commissioner of Liquor Control, who backs increasing the financial penalties for those caught illegally importing large quantities of liquor. He adds that "by using cash, there is obviously no paper trail, if an authority were to investigate it. The activity itself is basically tax evasion."
An IRS spokesperson says the agency is "aware of this and similar schemes" but wouldn't confirm any active investigation into all-cash bulk transactions in New Hampshire.
Potential repercussions
Politicians are not the only ones asking questions. Some employees of New Hampshire liquor stores are raising concerns about their role in processing these transactions.
"They are starting to feel like a drug dealer," says Richard Gulla, president of the State Employees Association, the union which represents rank and file liquor store employees.
To handle the huge stacks of cash and speed up transactions, the Liquor Commission has installed 20 bill-counting machines at stores around the state, and says it plans to roll out more units.
Volinsky sees these steps and others taken by the Liquor Commission as "alarming."
The state attorney general's office says it is reviewing the documents submitted by Volinsky and isn't yet able to comment on their contents.
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