As the news broke of a school shooting in Parkland, Fla., on Wednesday, hundreds of Twitter accounts believed to be under Russian sway pivoted.
Many had been tweeting about places like Syria and Ukraine — countries where Russia is seeking to strengthen its influence. Suddenly the accounts shifted to hashtags like #guncontrol, #guncontrolnow and #gunreformnow. Tweets mentioning Nikolas Cruz, the name of the shooting suspect, spiked.
For Bret Schafer, an analyst with
Hamilton 68
"The Kremlin doesn't care about gun control in America, they have no skin in this game," Schafer says. Accordingly, some accounts tracked by Hamilton 68 spew extreme, pro-gun rhetoric. Others attack the National Rifle Association. "By taking an extreme hyper-partisan position, it just serves to further rip us apart," Schafer says.
American intelligence services are increasingly concerned about Russian accounts in social media. At
a hearing
"Frankly, the United States is under attack," Coats told the Senate intelligence committee. Adversaries "seek to sow division in the United States and weaken U.S. leadership."
The intelligence community's
annual threat assessment
Schafer says that the Russian accounts his organization tracks now follow a well-worn path. First, he says, they tweet out news and breaking developments. This helps them to gain attention and attract new followers. Then they begin tweeting highly inflammatory material to fan the flames of partisanship.
Finally, Schafer says, the accounts shift to conspiracy theories. "They build this narrative of, 'You are being lied to by the government, by the media, by everyone else, so don't trust anyone or anything,' " he says. "It's not just divisive, there's an erosion quality to it as well — of eroding trust."
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