Treason is the crime of betraying one's country. Sounds simple. But is it?
In a speech Monday, President Donald Trump agreed with the suggestion that Democratic congressmen committed treason for failing to applaud key parts of his State of the Union address last week.
A White House spokesman says he was "joking." But even conservative commentators like Bill Kristol have said Trump's use of the term is "a disgrace."
Treason is no joke. “It’s the worst crime known to the law,” says Carlton Larson, a
professor of law
“I don’t think that Trump meant it in that serious a sense,” says Larson. “I think it was a sort of a throwaway comment. But it’s still an unhelpful and particularly nasty throwaway comment because you’re using it to accuse your political enemies” of such an egregious crime.
“Treason is different in each country of the world,” explains Larson. “But in the United States it’s defined explicitly in our Constitution as either levying war against the United States or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”
Larson says the framers of the
“It’s very easy for people to confuse disagreement with the government with outright treason and disloyalty,” says Larson. “And that’s been a problem throughout human history. How do you get a so-called ‘loyal opposition?’ To what extent can you have people who are bitterly opposed to the government but at the same time are not actually traitors?”
Prosecutions for treason are rare, and no one has ever been executed for treason against the United States since the Constitution was written. That isn’t to say treason hasn’t been committed. “The Civil War, for example, was a significant act of treason,” says Larson, “with people levying war against the United States. But no person was ever executed for that.”
An attempt to prosecute Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy, for treason, ultimately failed.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Some of Trump’s political enemies have used the term ‘
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