Donald Trump is calling for an investigation into intelligence leaks to the media, following British officials’ announcement that they will no longer share information with the United States about their investigation into Monday's deadly suicide bombing in Manchester. Israel's defense minister also said yesterday the country has changed the way it shares intelligence with the U.S., following Trump’s sharing of its information with Russia. Juliette Kayyem, host of the SCIF podcast, a member of the faculty at the Kennedy school, and a WGBH and CNN contributor; and Jim Walsh from MIT's Security Studies Program, joined Jim Braude to discuss the effects these intelligence changes could have on the country – and politicians who take the term “beat the press” literally.

Most people go through some pretty big changes between high school and college, but for Schuyler Bailar there’s a lot more to that story. In 2015, Bailar became the first openly transgender athlete in the NCAA to compete on a men's division one team. Since sharing his story on 60 Minutes and The Ellen Show, he's become an outspoken advocate for transgender rights. Last week, a social media post he made went viral, showing a photo of him at a prom three years ago compared with one this year. Alongside it was the message: Change is possible. Happiness is possible. Authenticity is possible. But all of these things take time and effort and perseverance and self love ... so, never forget this, my friends. Never give up on yourselves. Bailar joined Jim to share his story. 

Jim's idea on how to really make America great again: the four-day work week.