"The Boston Globe" published the first part of a new seven-part Spotlight series on Sunday called
Boston. Racism. Image.
Despite its surface level appearance as a mecca for liberalism, many people, most famously Saturday Night Live’s Michael Che, have called Boston one of the most racist cities in the US. As the Globe story points out, a quick google search for “most racist city” will yield more results with Boston than any other city.
The other six parts of the series will be published this week and will focus on race through the prism of the Seaport, hospitals, college sports, power, and, finally, solutions.
Reverend Irene Monroe joined Boston Public Radio Monday for her weekly segment, All Revved Up, to talk about the Spotlight series and Boston’s prevalent racism.
“I am always glad to see these kinds of reports because, one, it is affirming for the many Boston citizens of African descent, who say Boston is terribly racist. It is affirming why my friends from Brooklyn say there is something not friendly about the place," said Monroe.
Reverend Irene Monroe is a syndicated columnist for The Huffington Post and Bay Windows. To hear more about her thoughts on racism in Boston, click on the audio player above.