Scientists have found a shockingly hot, massive, Jupiter-like planet that has a tail like a comet.
"It is so hot that it is hotter than most stars that we know of out there," says
Scott Gaudi
The planet, which is around three times more massive than Jupiter, orbits a blue star about 650 light-years away from Earth. This star is nearly twice as hot as our own sun, and this planet whips around it once every one and a half Earth days.
One side of the planet is locked in perpetual night. The other side always faces the searing heat of its host star and has a surface temperature of around 7,820 degrees Fahrenheit.
"It's so hot that we think that there's no molecules that can live on the day side of this planet," Gaudi says. "Its day side would be very bright orange. Its night side would be very dark red. And it would have a cloud of evaporating hydrogen and helium, which would actually look violet."
The gas giant's atmosphere is probably evaporating at a high rate, maybe even fast enough that it would all get blasted away before the star dies. All that would remain is a rocky, barren core — if the planet has one.
"For a long time, we went back and forth about whether or not this planet could possibly be real. In fact, I had a bet with my graduate student over a very nice bottle of single malt scotch," Gaudi says. "Just for the record, I won."
In recent years, scientists have focused on finding small planets around small, cool stars, such as
Proxima Centauri
But as a result, scientists haven't spent much time looking for planets around bigger, hotter stars. What's more, these stars have certain characteristics that make finding their planets especially challenging.
So even though researchers have detected
"It is certainly exciting to have spotted another rare system of A-type star plus planet. The A stars are the brightest stars in the sky, and likely most of the stars you know by name: Sirius, Vega, Altair, etc.," says
Marc Kuchner
Our own sun is a G-type star, which is pretty middle-of-the-road in terms of temperature. If you go outside at night and just look up, "the majority of the stars you can see are more luminous, or hotter, than the sun," Gaudi says.
While this new planet was detected with a relatively inexpensive
That way, "we can really study a planet under the most extreme conditions, basically, that we've seen any kind of giant planet experience," Gaudi says.
Jonathan Fortney
"What kinds of winds might operate to bring absorbed stellar energy to the night side?" Fortney wonders. "Understanding that could only come from viewing the thermal infrared radiation from the planet over the course of a whole orbit. That could certainly be done with the Spitzer Space Telescope."
He notes that KELT-9b's surface temperature is so unusual that he wasn't able to analyze it using his regular computer simulation of hot Jupiter-sized planets.
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