This week, President Trump's transition team put
new restrictions
But climate scientists, in particular, are on edge because the federal government generates a huge amount of data on climate. That information is used in everything from farming to weather forecasting and insurance.
Take the example of a single agency: the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
When you add
Those data are the main way we know what's going on with the climate, says
Greg Asner
The government's role doesn't stop with just collecting data. Federal scientists analyze the information and eventually release it to the public in reports such as the
National Climate Assessment
Ocean scientist
William Sweet
"The ocean is not a bathtub. It may rise in one place; it may drop in the other," he says. Ocean currents and wind patterns distribute ocean water unevenly. And coastlines actually move up and down — sometimes it's a long-term response to the retreat of glaciers during the latest ice age, and sometimes it's from people draining groundwater. That "vertical land movement" influences how far inland water will encroach.
Sweet says research prepared for the new assessment shows that the East Coast and parts of the Gulf Coast, for example, will experience even higher sea levels than the world average. And that world average? It could be 8 feet higher than it is now by the end of the century — about a foot and a half higher than predicted in the latest assessment, in 2014.
That's the worst-case scenario. Sweet says it probably will be less — a lot depends on how much more carbon dioxide humans put into the atmosphere and how much of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets melts.
In the short term, he says, the assessment will provide news you can use. For example, there's been an uptick in abnormally high tides — these cause "sunny day" flooding that occurs even when there's no storm.
"At what point do these damaging, disruptive tidal flood events become the new norm?" Sweet says. He adds that the latest climate assessment will help answer that question by pinpointing where and how often these extra-high tides will hit.
Local municipalities can use this information to prepare by deploying pumps, cordoning-off streets or even building sea walls.
That's just a small part of what's in the assessments. They also cover everything from drought to extreme rain and snowfall.
So what happens if the Trump administration tries to censor this huge scientific enterprise?
Peter de Menocal
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