In an
For some, the verb choice conjures an image of the giant hands of a powerful and magnanimous government carefully extracting villagers from their rundown mud-walled homes and then delicately depositing them inside new urban apartments with modern amenities.
Others, though, don't give the expression much thought. The term has been used by China's state-controlled media for more than a decade, long enough for Western media like the
New York Times
But who's really doing the lifting? Is it China's government through policies that have created jobs, alleviated poverty in the countryside and provided social welfare to hundreds of millions? Or, as has been pointed out by
The question has inspired many a debate about the role of government policy versus the will of the individual in China, but whoever deserves credit (experts would argue both), credit is certainly due. What China — its government and its people — have achieved is unprecedented in human history: Around 700 million Chinese have worked their way above the poverty line since 1980, accounting for three-quarters of global poverty reduction during that period. (According to the World Bank more than 500 million Chinese lifted themselves out of poverty as China's poverty rate fell from 88 percent in 1981 to 6.5 percent in 2012, as measured by the percentage of people living on less than $1.90 a day).
I've refrained from using the term "lifted out of poverty" in the previous sentence, and what's curious is that China's state media does the same when reporting this news in Chinese to its own people. While China's largest state-run news organizations routinely boast about China lifting its people out of poverty in their English-language editions, these same news organizations avoid the term in their native language. The Chinese name of the government's anti-poverty campaign is "fupin kaifa" (扶贫开发), literally translated "assist the poor and develop," and Chinese-language reports about poverty alleviation in the state-run media are peppered with terms like "tuopin" (脱贫), "shake off poverty," "jianpin" (减贫), "reduce poverty," "xiaochu pinkun" (消除贫困), "eliminate impoverishment," and "zhaiqu pinqunmao" (摘去贫困帽), "taking off the poverty hat."
"Lifting" people out of poverty is nowhere to be seen. The term seems reserved exclusively for state media's English language publications aimed at foreign readers.
One likely answer is a government bent on clearing up [or cleaning up?] its human rights record to the sometimes-skeptical developed countries of the West. Each year, China's State Council releases a
white paper
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