Boston Mayor Marty Walsh ( @marty_walsh) joined Jim on Wednesday night to talk about the debate and his candidate, Hillary Clinton, plus police body cameras, the Boston Latin controversy, and why he's just saying no to recreational marijuana.

On The Vice Presidential Debate

Walsh said that he watched part of the debate, but stopped because it was a lot of the same rhetoric. He said that it was funny watching Pence try to explain Trump's words. Walsh commented on Kaine's performance, saying that he was trying to be someone that he wasn't. He said that Kaine would have been better if he showed who he actually is during the debate.

On GE Coming To Boston

Walsh said that GE will be paying taxes when they come to Boston.

On Body Cameras

Walsh said that if the Boston Police Department chooses to go forward in full with the body camera program, it has his full support. He said that we have to see what the pilot produces, and in a few weeks we will have an assessment and see how to move forward. Walsh said that it's important to build trust in the community, and get officers out of their cars and talking to people. The pilot program, he said, will cost a lot of money in Boston.

On The Recent SJC Ruling

Walsh said that what we are doing in Boston is building relationships and trust between the police and the community. He said that the ruling (which held that men of color had reason to run from police) was tough, and puts police at a disadvantage. He said we have to do a better job throughout the nation – and in Boston – fostering needed trust.

On Boston Latin School

Walsh said that no young person should have to go to school feeling intimidated. Of a racial incident he said: "We have to make sure it doesn't happen again". He said that moving forward, we have to make sure we take swift action – school authorities can't let things fester for a year and a half.

On Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

Walsh has not changed his stance on legalizing recreational marijuana. He said that most people struggling with addiction start off using marijuana.