It seems an unlikely paradox: In a country where women outnumber men in all
but nine states
Following the
Married, white women, who typically vote Republican, are making up
most of the recent increase,
Of course, it’s still unclear whether the growing numbers of women denouncing Trump are going the extra step of voting for Clinton — some say they will write in Indiana Gov. Mike Pence instead. But, perhaps even more importantly, is this a fleeting moment of unity in modern American feminism — or is this collective backlash building into something more, something that will change business-as-usual in US sexual politics?
If that’s so, it will have been the sheer vileness of Trump’s misogyny that was the proverbial straw to finally break the misogynist's back. After all, though the pushback against everyday sexism began well before his presidential run, now there is true bipartisan revulsion kicking the discussion up to a whole new level. Is it possible that Donald Trump's run for the presidency is the best thing that's happened to the modern US feminist movement in decades?
Even before the Trump tape, there had been high-profile new-century movements to fight back against the constant, harassing grind in the lives of American women, such as
Comedians like Amy Schumer, with her
It seems as if the modern feminist movement — long defined by the divisive issue of abortion rights — is finally unifying against the everyday sexual harassment, and even assault, that most American women face in their lifetime. It is a
Whether it’s catcalling, groping, harassment, indecent exposure, molestation or rape — it’s hard to find a woman without a story, quite a few stories, in fact.
The sheer magnitude of these YesAllWomen stories became clear when Canadian author Kelly Oxford issued this
public invitation
It’s true that Republican women had been
New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte told Politico, “I’m a mom and an American first, and I cannot and will not support a candidate for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women.”
In the US Senate, five of the six Republican women abandoned Trump (compared to just 12 out of 48 Republican men). Only Iowa Senator Joni Ernst maintains her support, although she did denounce Trump publicly for his comments. Meanwhile, in the House, a third of Republican women lawmakers have publicly withdrawn their support, including Texan Rep. Kay Granger, who did so after the tape was released.
Rep. Martha Roby from Alabama
Meanwhile, male evangelical leaders were happy to turn the other cheek upon hearing Trump say that he tried to move on a married woman “like a bitch.” Ralph Reed, Jerry Falwell and Robert Jeffress all
Their female counterparts went in the opposite direction. Leading the pack was Beth Moore, who has 733,000 Twitter followers. On Oct. 9, she rebuked Christian leaders for standing with Trump and then identified with the women Trump demeaned.
“I'm one among many women sexually abused, misused, stared down, heckled, talked naughty to. Like we liked it. We didn't. We're tired of it,” she tweeted.
Motivational speaker and mother of five,
Jennifer Hatmaker
For evangelical women, disavowing Trump means, in essence, making it more likely the United States will elect a president who will put forward a US Supreme Court nominee who supports abortion rights for women. Think about that for a moment: Women who are strongly anti-abortion and women who are strongly in favor of abortion rights agree that Trump is anathema, and they will not support him, no matter that some of them might agree with certain of his policy positions.
Among American women of all political leanings, misogyny, for the first time in American political history, has become a deal-breaker and a disqualification for political office.
“I think it took a comment from Trump that personally affected a majority of evangelicals for there to be a tipping point,” Katelyn Beaty, editor at large of Christianity Today told Radio News Service. “More than half of every church is women, and all those women are affected by comments about sexual assault.”
Apparently, young millennial evangelical women like Trump even less. Of 33 influential millennial evangelicals
This YesAllWomen movement is not a uniquely American revolution, either. Around the world, popular movements against sexual assault are uniting women. In Turkey, after a young college student named Ozgecan Aslan was brutally raped and murdered on a bus in late 2014, the hashtag of her name
went viral
In Ukraine and Russia this past July, Anastasiya Melnychenko, the head of a human rights organization, became outraged at a Facebook post in which a man blamed a woman for her rape. She launched the hashtag #imnotafraidtosayit, and it went
“We do not have to make excuses. We are not to blame, a rapist is always to blame. I’m not afraid to talk. And I don’t feel guilty,” Melnychenko tweeted.
In South Africa this summer, women shared their stories of rape with the
In the UK in 2012, British feminist writer Laura Bates started a web campaign called Everyday Sexism, encouraging women to share their stories on the website, in an effort to document the abuse. On Twitter, @everydaysexism now has 257,000 followers, and women from 22 countries have shared their stories of abuse on her website. They also launched the hashtag #whenIwas, encouraging women to share their stories of harassment and abuse. Within a few days, 20,000 people — mostly women — had shared the hashtag.
Bates immediately invoked the popularity of the hashtag as evidence that women weren’t “overreacting” or “making it up.” This reaction explains why the Trump tape has had such a powerful response — it was the hard evidence women long felt they lacked.
Poet Muriel Rukeyser once mused, “What would happen if a woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open.” And so it is.
Business-as-usual is over in American politics, by which we mean that misogyny is now a widely accepted disqualification for political office. This is not only on the right, where the GOP has been shocked into the understanding that their female base will no longer stand up for misogynist conservatives, but also on the left.
If Bill Clinton were running for president in 2016, he would not be electable. Period. This is a sea change for all with political ambitions in the United States.
It seems naïve to hope a unified women’s movement will emerge from this highly charged election season, but one thing that has happened is the concept of “women’s issues” in American political discourse no longer simply includes abortion rights. That’s good for all women, but is a double-edged sword for Hillary Clinton.
Bill Clinton’s own predatory behavior makes his wife unlikely to be an outspoken champion on this issue, and more’s the pity. She has remained tight-lipped, nearly silent on the Billy Bush tape, saying little more than, "Who gets up at 3 o'clock in the morning to engage in a Twitter attack against a former Miss Universe?"
Assuming she wins, and Trump fades into obscurity, the public’s attention might turn to the debate over the Supreme Court nomination and divide women all over again on the issue of abortion rights and same-sex marriage. If her tenure at the State Department is any indicator, Clinton will push forward a bold agenda to advance issues affecting women — an agenda that may ride this current wave of attention on women’s rights.
Regardless, the political landscape in the United States is forever changed, and it is important to mark this moment for the history books. Women are now telling the truth about what happens to them on a daily basis.
With a media spotlight on the words that come from the mouths of men like Trump, it is also shining a light on the corruption of misogyny. If he loses the election, every Trump-like man will know his own ambition can be crucified for it. On Tuesday, NBC severed ties with "Today" host Billy Bush, sending its message that such talk won’t be tolerated.
On Nov. 8, Donald Trump will find out if the US electorate will give him the same treatment. While there is always a backlash, it is important to recognize that there are also men’s groups now stepping forward, such as the Amherst College men's soccer team player who recently
Perhaps some men will rationalize that if only they avoid hot mics, they can have their misogyny and ambition both. But even the most die-hard among them must have winced to hear in public what they think in private. It really is ugly, and even they know it.
We all know it, and we’re all tired of it. On that Americans — male and female, right and left, religious and secular — can agree.
This article is published in partnership
Christina Asquith, based in Istanbul, covers women’s issues worldwide as Editor of
Across Women’s Lives
Valerie M. Hudson is professor and George H.W. Bush Chair at The Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University, where she directs the Program on Women, Peace, and Security.
From PRI's The World ©2016