After every major act of gun violence, a national cry emerges from activists and gun enthusiasts alike: something needs to be done to regulate an industry that is lacking common sense solutions.

With congress in a veritable gridlock, could the answer be to step away from national reforms, with a call for states to lead the charge for comprehensive gun reform instead? Dr. Sandro Galea thinks so. He’s the Robert A. Knox professor and dean of the Boston University School of Public Health, and he joined Jim Braude and Margery Eagan on Boston Public Radio to explain. “There’s no question that having comprehensive federal efforts to legislate around guns would be a preferred way to go, but if we can’t have that… we could have a model that we have seen successfully around other efforts, like for example around same-sex marriage,” he said. “Individual states lead, individual states show the way, other states follow until eventually, there is enough momentum that we see a comprehensive movement at the federal level.”

To hear Dr. Galea’s full interview with Boston Public Radio, click on the audio link above.