At least 22 percent of Pokémon Go's millions of users are minors, according to a Survey Monkey study obtained by
To reduce the likelihood of harm to children in New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo
announced Monday
The new restriction, which will apply to nearly 3,000 sex offenders currently on parole, comes after
a recent report
And last month, a
The New York senators' report also cites a case where a registered sex offender in Indiana was "actually playing the game with a 16-year-old boy on the local courthouse lawn when he was recognized by two local probation officers."
New York state bans sex offenders on parole from using social media. It also has an agreement with 40 social media and related technology companies that allows it to update these companies with weekly records of registered sex offenders for social networks to ban. But with Pokémon Go, the agreement doesn't hold up.
Although the mobile game allows users to interact with others also playing at the same time, it's not considered a social media platform. Cuomo
sent a letter
"Software developers that operate mobile games like Pokémon GO should be entitled to the same information that is regularly shared with companies like Facebook, Apple and Microsoft," the governor said in the letter.
Since the start of the agreement with social media and technology companies to ban these users, New York has banned 18,544 registered sex offenders from social media platforms, the governor's office says.
There's no word from Niantic yet, but Rich Azzopardi, a spokesman at the governor's office, says companies in the past who have been sent similar requests comply simply to be good citizens.
"We're hopeful Niantic will do the same," Azzopardi said.
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