Several times a month, Jessica Wen, a pediatrician specializing in liver diseases, has a teenager show up at her clinic at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia with an unexpected diagnosis: hepatitis C.
Hepatitis C virus, or HCV, is the most common bloodborne infection in the U.S. and a leading cause of liver failure and cancer. Injection drug use is a common risk factor, as is receiving a blood transfusion before 1992. But some of the teens Wen sees picked up the illness another way: at birth, from their mothers.
"I have diagnosed moms after diagnosing the kids,"
Using city surveillance data, the study found that as many as 8 in 10 children at high risk for hepatitis C exposure in Philadelphia were never screened for the condition. More specifically, of the approximately 500 moms-to-be who were registered as having hepatitis C between 2011 and 2013, only 84 of their newborns, or about 16 percent, were tested for the virus by 20 months of age.
"Sixteen percent is really low," says
Danica Kuncio
Kuncio, an epidemiologist with the city, worries that people who don't know they contracted hepatitis C as babies won't get the health care they need or realize they could spread the virus to others through blood-to-blood contact. It's a concern intensified by a rise in both injection drug use and hepatitis C among women of childbearing age, she said.
"It's a call to arms to figure out how we can do this better," said
Dr. Michael Narkewicz
Not so long ago, the lack of drugs to cure hepatitis C made screening less of a priority. But in 2013, the Food and Drug Administration approved the first of several drugs that effectively eliminate the virus. Now, with access to these
expensive medicines
Narkewicz and others say the
next frontier
But unlike HIV, which has safe and effective treatments that can dramatically reduce transmission of the virus from mother to child, "for hepatitis C, there are
no treatments to prevent transmission
Hepatitis C in children may be lacking attention for another reason: perinatal transmission rates are a lot lower for Hepatitis C compared to hepatitis B and HIV. For every 100 babies born to women with HCV, five to seven will contract the virus. Of those who do get it, 30 to 40 percent will clear it on their own before the age of two, said Narkewicz. That's why the current
But up to 15 percent of those born with HCV will develop a more aggressive form of the disease during adolescence, said Narkewicz, which can result in advanced fibrosis or liver scarring that can progress over time. "It's a small percentage, but it's still a real number," he said.
The medical community really hasn't done a good job of projecting the costs and benefits of early identification and treatment in children, according to
Dr. Rhavi Javeri
"A lot of these other issues related to mom-to-infant transmission, it really all fallen by the wayside," Javeri says. "[The conversation] still falls on, we don't have resources to treat patients that are the priority right now."
Having new drugs to treat hepatitis C in children will be a game-changer, according to
Dr. Regino Gonzalez-Peralta
"The old dogma was, why screen mothers if there's nothing to be done?" says Gonzalez-Peralta, who has also been
He says that while drugs to prevent transmission are not yet available, there are promising developments. "Now we've got drugs that potentially might be useful in preventing maternal-fetal transmission. This is going to become a hotter area," he says.
Another issue under debate is
universal screening
Croft also thinks it's important to improve communication between obstetricians and pediatricians so the pediatrician will know which children are at higher risk for having hepatitis C and can recommend screening.
In the meantime, Philadelphia's health department has begun working with health care providers and at-risk mothers in the city to improve the testing of infants born to women with hepatitis C, and when necessary, linking mother or child to specialists.
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