There's a heated battle going on about the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Nearly 200 scientists signed a
But many health officials — including those at WHO —
So who's right?
To figure out whether Zika might be a big problem at the Olympics, there's one key piece of information you need: How many mosquitoes will be in Rio during the games?
That's exactly what epidemiologist
Mikkel Quam
"I was legitimately surprised," says Quam, who works at Umea University in Sweden. "There's very little mosquito activity during the Olympics."
August is winter in Brazil. It's cooler and drier. So the mosquito population is way down.
Only about 4 percent of fans will get bitten at least once by a mosquito that could carry Zika, Quam estimates. The chance they'll catch Zika is even lower — much, much lower.
"I think we'll get cases but I don't expect many cases," Quam says.
It's hard to calculate the exact number. But a preliminary model suggests that, at most, 1 in 31,000 people at the games will get infected with Zika, Quam and his colleagues recently
Officials are expecting around 500,000 spectators and athletes. Then the model predicts, there will be — at most — 16 cases of Zika at the Olympics.
So attendees are much more likely to get the flu or food poisoning at the games than Zika, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control
"If I would be an athlete competing, from what I've read, I would be more concerned about the pollution in the water than Zika," says
Alessandro Vespignani
But whether the Rio games pose a danger to the world isn't just about the number of Zika cases, Vespignani says. It's also about where those cases go — what's the chance a fan or athlete brings the virus home to a place without Zika and triggers a new outbreak in Africa or Asia — or here in the States?
So Vespignani is working on a computer model for the U.S. government to predict how Zika will spread. Keeping the games in Rio doesn't seem to change the course of the epidemic in his models.
"There are already so many cases around the world that adding a little bit more cases is not going to make a difference at this point," Vespignani says.
So there's no reason to move the games because of Zika, he believes.
So far the continental U.S. has had about
600 cases
"The Olympics would represent less than 0.25 percent of all travel to Zika-affected areas," Dr. Thomas Frieden, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's director, said last week to reporters.
So even if the Olympics were called off, "we'd still be left with 99.75 percent of the risk of Zika continuing to spread," Frieden said.
But all these predictions and models are just that — predictions. Like weather predictions, they are often wrong. And they're based on many assumptions, such as the idea that Zika behaves similarly to the way other mosquito-borne viruses do.
"The problem is, we just don't know that," says
Arthur Caplan
"I think it's ethically dubious to run the Olympics when you've got an epidemic of a virus that we don't understand very well," Caplan says.
For instance, scientists still don't know how long Zika can linger in the body or how big of a problem sexual transmission is.
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