Former GOP presidential hopeful Linsdey Graham has announced his endorsement of Jeb Bush for president.
Graham's presidential campaign went nowhere, but as a senator from the early voting state of South Carolina he hopes to still have some clout.
Graham praised Bush's temperament Friday morning, following Thursday night's GOP debate. "He hasn't tried to get ahead in a contested primary by embracing demagoguery ... he's not running to be commander-in-chief by running people down," he said.
That was clearly a reference to Donald Trump. Bush returned the admiration, calling Graham a "patriot."
"He loves this country. You just hear it how he spoke from his heart about what's at stake here. What's at stake is our way of life," Bush said.
Jeb Bush — still slumping in polls — has been looking for a way to jump-start his campaign, but an endorsement from a former candidate who couldn't break through either probably won't give Bush the upswing he needs.
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