Remember net neutrality?
Right, it's that brain-flexing term that refers to the idea that phone and cable companies should treat all of the traffic on their networks equally. No blocking or slowing their competitors, and no fast lanes for companies that can pay more.
In fact, the term itself was so nerdy that it's been "re-branded" as Open Internet.
You might have thought things were kind of settled with net neutrality after the Federal Communications Commission
passed hotly debated rules
But the new regulations could be undone: The cable and telecom industries have taken the FCC to court.
It's the third time in less than a decade that the FCC's attempts to regulate Internet access have been challenged in court.
Three judges
1. The key question the court will answer is whether the FCC had proper authority to reclassify broadband Internet as a more heavily regulated telecommunications service.
This wonky reclassification approach has been the biggest point of contention in the FCC's latest take on net neutrality.
This court, early last year,
threw out the FCC's earlier rules
So this time around, the FCC (with
President Obama's weigh-in
Various Internet and venture companies and public interest groups
are supporting
2. Reclassification is at the heart of the industry's legal challenge.
The ISPs say they don't oppose the specific net neutrality rules — no blocking or slowing down of websites and no payments for prioritized delivery of any traffic — but present the new regulatory regime as "arbitrary and capricious," illegal, overbearing and arcane.
One big fear is that the government would at some point decide to dictate prices. But the FCC has said it will "forebear from" this part of Title II.
3. Another part of the new rules the court will consider will be whether mobile Internet and cable Internet should be regulated the same way.
Wireless broadband in the past enjoyed some exemptions from net neutrality rules (including some anti-discrimination and no-blocking rules) to prevent congestion on their networks. The new rules
regulate them
Internet content companies say that equality
was long overdue
4. Not much has changed since the rules
went into effect in June
Telecom lawyers say that's because net neutrality principles were already being followed and nobody in the industry planned to violate them. Also, Netflix — a major factor in how people perceive the quality of their Internet download speeds — has
settled its negotiations
But what about the telecom companies' worries about innovation and investment?
One critic of the rules has
suggested a link
When FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler was asked about T-Mobile's new unlimited-streaming offer that doesn't count participating video services against data allowances,
Wheeler praised it
The FCC has received complaints through its new
net neutrality consumer portal
5. Whatever this court decides, net neutrality will likely end up at the Supreme Court.
Friday's oral arguments are scheduled to last more than two hours, and then the D.C. Circuit Court is expected to rule sometime in the spring.
If the ISPs lose, they're likely to take their case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
If the FCC loses, the agency may do the same depending on the scope of its loss — if it loses on the margins, the commission could consider going back and tweaking the rules, but a bigger loss might lead to the high court.
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