You couldn't look anywhere on Facebook without seeing it: friends, celebrities and complete strangers dumping buckets of ice water to raise awareness of ALS, a neurodegenerative illness also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.
The 2014
Ice Bucket Challenge
"It was like catching lightning in a bottle," says Ginny Simmons, who advises advocacy groups and nonprofits on digital strategy at FitzGibbon Media and has been involved in digital fundraising for a decade.
This week, the
Web phenomenon of #GivingTuesday
"It's useful because people are seeing your issue," says Michael Ward, a principal at strategy firm M+R that publishes the
Benchmark Study
Adobe this week
published a review
To be sure, even the most successful social media campaigns (like the Ice Bucket Challenge) may not necessarily count as a social media referral in the Adobe Digital Index if people donated after googling "ALS Association" instead of following a link directly from the group's Facebook page.
But the Adobe findings also echoed the results of
a Red Cross survey
The issue strikes a chord with the digital fundraising experts I interviewed. They say charities, advocacy groups and political campaigns are naturally captivated by the promise of the booming social networks, but the payout realities are far more complicated.
"Social is something that everyone keeps trying," says Simmons, "but in terms of a fundraising success, it's not an easy straight line."
The reason is pretty simple: When people are scrolling through posts, say, on Facebook, it's incredibly rare for them to decide to click away to some outside website — let alone an outside website that's asking for their credit card information.
"It's an all-inclusive environment, kind of like a resort," says Tamara Gaffney, principal analyst with Adobe Digital Index. "When you walk in the door and everything is paid for, why would you want to walk out and get dinner at some other restaurant?"
In fact, it's a challenge faced by the commercial world: Gaffney says Adobe's analysis found that only 2 percent of referrals to shopping websites come from social media. Truth is, all of it is still a pretty new frontier, so both the companies and the charities are feeling their way through, finding some approaches that do work and others that don't.
One is crowdfunding and what's known as peer-to-peer fundraising. Those are the kind of financial appeals that come from friends and other humans instead of organizations and typically ask for small sums of money — and they
tend to connect with people
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