There's new evidence that wild bees, some of nature's most
industrious pollinators
The evidence comes from a century of bee observations, carried out across North America and Europe. Biologist
Jeremy Kerr
"There are something like 423,000 of these observations," Kerr says. "And every one of those, we know rather precisely where and when that species of bumblebee was observed."
Kerr and his collaborators looked at where each species was found long ago, compared to recent years.
They were looking for effects of a warming climate, and indeed, they found that some species of these wild bees have vanished from the warmest, most southern, of the places where they used to live. Kerr says there's no evidence that this shift in geographic range was the result of land clearing or pesticide use. Their
Lawrence Harder
"They're relatively large insects, and they're quite furry," he says. As a result, unlike most insects, they're good at staying warm in cool environments. But they have difficulty in heat.
The most striking thing that Kerr and his colleagues found, though, occurred at the cooler edge of the bumblebee's range. Many other insects, such as butterflies, are expanding their range into cooler regions. Bumblebees, though, are not. "Bumblebee species seem to be kind of stuck," Kerr says. "They're not shifting north in the way that many other species groups are."
Harder, at the University of Calgary, thinks he knows the reason. He says that in the North, bumblebees are limited by boundaries of vegetation, not cold temperatures. Many bumblebee species like open grassland, he says, and they won't move northward into Canada's forests, no matter how warm it gets.
"You could see bumblebees being caught between the devil and the deep blue sea," Harder says. "They're being pushed north at the southern edge, but they can't move north at the northern edge."
Even though honeybees get more attention, bumblebees play a
vital role
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