The weather forecast for Texas is sunshine, just a week after flooding in the state killed at least 25 people and prompted President Obama to declare a disaster in the state.

Lauren Silverman of member station KERA tells our Newscast unit:

"Torrential rains have given Texas the wettest May in history. The National Weather Service says, in all, more than 37 trillion gallons of water have fallen in the state. Flooding ... swept away thousands of vehicles and trapped people in their cars and houses."On Saturday, an 8-year old girl drowned in Dallas County when her family's vehicle crashed into flood waters. On Sunday, two kayakers were rescued from Dallas' Trinity River, which crested at 43 feet. Other creeks and rivers that used to be nothing more than ditches are also near flood level. A warmer, drier week could help some of the rain-swollen rivers receive, and give people a chance to assess damage and clear debris."

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