Two days after rejecting a measure to take up a bill granting President Obama fast-track trade authority, the Senate voted to move ahead with considering the legislation.

The vote was 65-33.

As Bill reported Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said an agreement had been reached to move forward on the vote. Bill wrote:

"The solution calls for separate votes on bills that Democrats had wanted to move as a single package on the floor, according to NPR's Ailsa Chang. Ailsa says the Senate will vote on a customs enforcement bill that includes Sen. Charles Schumer's safeguards aimed at reducing currency manipulation."

On Tuesday, the fast-track bill fell eight votes short of the 60 needed to avoid a filibuster. It was seen as a major rebuke to Obama. NPR's Brian Naylor reported at the time:

"Democrats — even some who support the trade agreement, like Ron Wyden of Oregon — voted to block the Senate from taking up the bill, because they want Republicans to agree to take up other trade-related measures."

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