Dashcam video released by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division shows a routine traffic stop by Officer Michael Slager in North Charleston that eventually resulted in Walter Scott, 50, running from the vehicle.

Slager, as video footage of the shooting released earlier this week shows, shot Scott in the back, killing him. Slager was fired for last weekend's shooting and has been charged with the killing.

The video released Thursday shows Slager's patrol car stopping a black Mercedes with a broken tail light. Scott, the car's driver, can be heard telling the officer he is planning to buy the car — and so does not have insurance for it.

Slager then returns to his vehicle. The driver's-side door of the Mercedes opens and Scott begins to run. The passenger in the car remains inside. You can watch the video here .

After the shooting that followed, which the dashcam video does not show, Slager said Scott had tried to take his Taser. But a bystander's video showed the officer firing eight rounds at Scott, who was running away from him. Scott fell to the ground; Slager then handcuffed him.

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