It's the venerable custom in tennis and golf for the crowd to be still and quiet when players hit their shots.
Now, since even ordinary baseball batters have some success hitting against 98 mph fastballs with 40,000 fans standing and screaming, do you really believe that great athletes like Novak Djokovic or Rory McIlroy couldn't serve or putt with a few thousand fans hollering? If they'd grown up playing tennis or golf that way, that is. When disorder is a sustaining part of the game, players, in effect, put it out of their minds. Hear no evil, see no evil.
Notwithstanding, for almost as long as college student-athletes have been shooting free throws, college student-clowns have been trying to divert the opponent shooter's attention by wailing like banshees and generally acting like human bobblehead dolls. But like with the baseball batter: so what? For the guy at the free-throw line focusing on the basket, it might as well be the still silence of Centre Court at Wimbledon.
It is the sudden change in volume or in scenery that affects us.
This is why students at Arizona State are so brilliant that you would think they're majoring in Alfred Hitchcock. At ASU, they've put up what they call the black Curtain of Distraction behind the basket that the visitors are shooting at, and the students open the curtain suddenly to reveal, oh, Santa Claus hugging an elf, a man riding an inflatable duck,
two unicorns kissing
Apparently — and even
New York Times
Now, would opening up a
Curtain of Distraction
And get this: the players in the WNBA actually shoot foul shots a little better than the men. One year the women of the WNBA topped 81 percent.
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