The NPR Ed team is back from Austin, where we connected with hundreds of educators and people excited about education at the annual South By Southwest Edu Conference. As with many conferences, there's just as much to be gained from conversations in the hallways and chance encounters as from the official sessions. Here's what we learned from both.
1) For many teachers, the most important tech tools are free.
We didn't plan it this way, but all three of the panelists featured on our
Insights From Great Teachers panel
Sandy Merz blogs at the
Center for Teaching Quality
Simply by using the pound sign, she told the crowd, anyone becomes a coder by contributing to a conversation that is searchable and viewable online.
2) Students are speaking up and asserting their rights.
Zak Malamed is a junior at the University of Maryland and the founder of
Student Voice,
3) The "Moneyball" system may be coming to higher ed.
Efforts to
harness "big data"
University administrators for too long have been obsessed with 'autopsy data' on student dropout rates and other metrics, Civitas co-founder Mark Milliron said. Milliron was formerly with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the nonprofit online college Western Governors University.
The data has been there for years, but it was all over the place and too often wasn't blended and analyzed in one place or in a timely fashion. And Milliron says that, moreover, administrators were rarely getting the data "to the front lines" – to professors, counselors and students – to help craft robust interventions. He likens this to hospital administrators using data to critique a doctor after a patient dies instead of feeding him information that can help the patient get well.
4) Student data and privacy will only grow as a bone of contention.
The capture and use of student data from prekindergarten through college is increasing with the adoption of software platforms where every homework problem a student does can be recorded in bits and bytes.
The flipside of the power of analytics and prediction is concerns about privacy. Who owns this data? Who should have access to it? What can be done with it? The federal government is
struggling to update guidelines.
Elana Zeide, a research fellow at the Information Law Institute at New York University, told us that student privacy currently stands at the forefront of privacy law. The issues that affect us as students also affect us as borrowers, consumers, patients and citizens, to name a few; but because kids are especially vulnerable, concern is focused here.
RiShawn Biddle, editor of the education magazine Dropout Nation , focuses on parents' access to relevant data about schools. "Right now education data is a black box," he said. "When parents have both comprehensive and yet easy to understand data, they can start making better decisions." And not just state test scores. "If you're a black parent, you need access to suspension and expulsion rates."
5) Entrepreneurship isn't just a class or a discipline; it can be the foundation of a school.
Sujata Bhatt is the founder of
Incubator School,
6) Kids have always, will always, love shooting stuff across the room.
Whether you call it "making," "tinkering," "project-based learning," "hands-on-learning" or "STEAM" (an abbreviation for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math), it's super, super hot right now. Rosanne Somerson, the president of the Rhode Island School of Design, was at the conference with her new book titled
The Art of Critical Making.
Jackie Bastardi is a 25-year-old instructor at
Curious on Hudson,
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