It's a startling trend: Many women with cancer in one breast are choosing to have their healthy breast removed, too.
But a
"People want absolute certainty," breast surgeon
Monica Morrow
Morrow is a co-author of a paper that will be presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology's Quality Care Symposium in San Diego.
Another co-author,
Sarah Hawley
The researchers looked at nearly 1,500 women who had been treated for early-stage breast cancer. Of those who chose
But of those who chose double mastectomy, three-quarters had no medical justification, Hawley tells Shots.
In fact, many women had a diagnosis of
ductal carcinoma in situ or DCIS
The more radical operation makes medical sense, Hawley says, for fewer than 10 percent of women with early breast cancer. Those include the 1.5 percent who have a genetic mutation called
BRCA-1 or BRCA-2
Double mastectomy rates "have been inching up over the last decade," Hawley says. There are no guidelines on who should be getting the operation.
When the researchers surveyed women about their choice of therapy, not surprisingly they found the main factor was fear that cancer would "spread" to the healthy breast — even though, Morrow says, "it's a misunderstanding that cancer spreads from breast to breast."
"One of the biggest fears when you get a cancer diagnosis is, if I go through this treatment, can I be done, can I go on and live my life and not have to worry about it coming back?" Hawley says.
"I have seen young women who leave the office having signed up for lumpectomy," Morrow says, "and they call back the next day and say, 'Well, I was on the Internet or I was talking to my friends and they said I'm a young mother, don't I want to do everything I can to be there for my child? I think I want a double mastectomy.' "
But there's a flaw in that approach. "Unfortunately, that's just fuzzy reasoning."
There's another reason cited by many — the belief that a double mastectomy plus breast reconstruction will give a better, more symmetrical cosmetic result.
"We would have thought that concerns about body image would lead women away from double mastectomy," Hawley says. "But it may be almost the inverse."
Morrow says there's no evidence that reconstruction after double mastectomy will lead to a better cosmetic result and there are other ways to achieve symmetry.
She says there's
growing concern
The evidence, Morrow says, is that the trend is driven by consumers — not surgeons. She finds that ironic.
"I'm old enough to remember the days when surgeons were considered to be horrible mutilators of women when they did one mastectomy, no less two," Morrow says. It took years of pressure from the then-nascent patients' rights movement, along with the evidence from controversial research studies, to establish breast-conserving lumpectomy as a valid alternative to mastectomy.
"The two operations really are equal — not just in survival but in the risk of cancer recurrence," Morrow says. "That wasn't true 30 years ago. We've gotten better at lumpectomy; we understand more about the biology of breast cancer.
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