
  • (Starts at 1:00) Former Homeland Security administrator Juliette Kayyem  talked about the threat of ISIS and the prospect of Americans being recruited to the group. Kayyem also discussed her latest Globe piece about militarizing US police forces.
  • (Starts at 25:00) Would we have fewer armed conflicts — and less of a rush to take up arms in the first place — if the world had equal numbers of male and female leaders? Jim and Margery talked with listeners about the effect that greater numbers of female leaders would have.
  • (Starts at 44:00) Medical ethicist Art Caplan talked about a decrease in opiate overdoses in states where medical marijuana is now legal. Caplan also looked at  the Ice Bucket Challenge, and why so many Americans are woefully uninformed about Ebola, how it's spread, and the risk it poses to people in the U.S. Art Caplan is head of the Division of Medical Ethics at NYU's Langone Medical Center. He's also the co-host of the new podcast Everyday Ethics.
  • (Starts at 1:07:30) Should we push back school start times so teens can get more rest? The American Academy of Pediatrics is recommending doing so. Jim and Margery asked parents, teachers and teens whether they'd be open to the idea.
  • (Starts at 1:27:41) Ahead of Labor Day, film critic  Garen Daly  broke down the best workplace movies. Office Space, The Apartment, Glengarry Glen Ross — what's your favorite? Leave it in the comments below.